Our church is founded on 4 anchoring principles. Understanding them before you visit will greatly enhance your time with us.
“We proclaim the authority of God’s Word without apology. I never promise to not offend you, but I do promise that everything I preach will come from the Word and that you will understand it better through my preaching”
We believe that God spoke and that the Bible records everything He wanted us to know about Him, ourselves, and the world we live in. Our pulpit exists to explain, illustrate, and apply the Word of God to our lives. Our pastor engages in application-oriented expository preaching, which takes us word by word through the Bible and developing principles you can apply to your life.
ANCHOR #2 UNashamed adoration
What is worship? It is ascribing the highest value and delight in a person or object. Worship is the response we have to what gives us the greatest joy and enjoyment. Our worship at ABCModesto is contemporary without compromise drawing from the rich history of Christian worship while incorporating the best of contemporary worship.
ANCHOR #3 UNceasing Prayer
When God’s people speak, God hears and responds. We believe firmly in the power of prayer to affect real change in our lives, in the lives of those we love, and in the world as a whole.
ANCHOR #4 UNafraid witness
We share the Good News of Jesus Christ with boldness. We believe sin is real, that people are in rebellion against God, that the consequences are catastrophic, but that hope is found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is able to save anyone, at any time, from anything, forever. We do not believe that good works, ethics, or morality will save you. We believe that salvation is by God’s grace alone, through faith. While good works to not save, saved people do good works that inform, influence, and invite other people to come to Jesus and answer His call in their lives to “follow me.”